The Dangers of Rollover Accidents

The Dangers of Rollover AccidentsWhen most people think of motor vehicle accidents, head-on collisions, rear-end crashes, and T-bone accidents come to mind. However, one of the most overlooked and devastating types of accidents that can occur is rollover accidents.

When your vehicle rolls over onto its side or top, your body is tossed and turned in various directions, causing you to slam into interior objects of the vehicle or even be thrown from the vehicle and onto the hard asphalt. Talking to an experienced Columbus car accident attorney about your injuries can make a big difference in your fight for compensation.

Examples of rollover accidents that have occurred in or near Columbus recently

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 7,418 vehicle occupants were killed in rollovers in 2022. While most accidents occur after impact with another vehicle or object, 23 percent of rollover accidents that occurred that year did not involve any type of impact beforehand. Here are a few of the most recent rollover accidents that have occurred in or near Columbus, Ohio:

  • In July 2024, a person died after his SUV rolled over on the Interstate 70 ramp in Columbus. He lost control of his vehicle and drove off the road, colliding into the median wall. The vehicle eventually came to a halt and landed on the driver’s side. The driver was pinned underneath the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene.
  • Less than 80 miles from Columbus, another rollover accident occurred in July 2024. This accident occurred on Interstate 675 in Washington Township, and the driver was ejected from the SUV. He was transported to the hospital immediately with severe injuries.
  • About 60 miles from Columbus, in Xenia, two passengers were thrown from their vehicle in another rollover accident in July 2024. There were four passengers in total. One of the passengers succumbed to their injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. The other ejected passenger was transported to the nearest hospital for critical injuries, and the driver and last passenger were quickly treated for minor injuries.

Are certain vehicles more likely to roll over than others?

It is important to know that all types of vehicles can roll over during an accident. However, due to balance and weight factors, some vehicles are more prone to rolling over than others. For example, SUVs, pickup trucks, semi-trucks, mini vans, and RVs are known to have a higher center of gravity, which increases their chances of rolling over. This gives people the idea that only larger and heavier vehicles experience rollovers, but in reality lighter vehicles, such as mini coopers or sports vehicles, can also be susceptible to rollover accidents, especially when a collision or poor road conditions are involved.

What causes rollover accidents?

There are many different causes of rollover accidents, such as:

  • High speeds: When a driver is rushing through traffic or loses their patience behind the wheel, they may speed and act erratically. Driving at high speeds can cause the driver to lose control or collide with other vehicles, which can cause a rollover accident.
  • Tires: When tires have too much grip or become worn out and have little to no grip, your vehicle is at risk of rolling over. This is because tires with too much grip can lead to the sideways forces building up until the vehicle tips over, and tires that lack grip may slide or skid across the roadway, resulting in the vehicle flipping over.
  • Drunk or intoxicated driving: Drunk or intoxicated drivers are unable to react to certain situations or hazards on the roadway in a timely manner. This can cause them to lose control of their vehicles, collide into other vehicles or objects, and experience rollover accidents.
  • Overloaded vehicles: Drivers of SUVs, pickup trucks, or even 18-wheelers should never overload their vehicles. If they do, their large vehicles will become even more difficult to control and maneuver. In addition, if the weight of the vehicle shifts at any time during transport, the vehicle will likely become imbalanced, resulting in a rollover accident.
  • Road or weather conditions: When there are poor road or weather conditions, vehicles are more likely to roll over. For example, if the roadway is wet or icy, a driver may lose control. While their vehicle is sliding, they may try to overcorrect it, causing it to flip over.
  • Sharp turns or curves: If a driver makes a sharp turn or goes around a sharp curve, the vehicle may sway or tip over. This is especially common in heavier vehicles that carry cargo.

What are the dangers of rollover accidents?

Rollover accidents often result in severe and life-threatening injuries. Some of the most common injuries that rollover accident victims suffer includes:

  • Traumatic brain injuries: Traumatic brain injuries usually occur when the driver or passenger is ejected from the vehicle and hits their head on the pavement, or when they strike their heads on the interior (steering wheel, dashboard, windshield). Traumatic brain injuries are very serious head injuries that can lead to bruising, tearing, and bleeding within the brain, which can impact your life and daily routine going forward.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries occur when the body is twisted in abnormal ways, common in a rollover crash. One of the most devastating effects of a spinal cord injury is paralysis, the inability to move certain limbs or body parts. Individuals who are diagnosed with a spinal cord injury may be unable to make a full recovery, meaning that they must learn to adapt with their injuries.
  • Internal damage: Internal damage may occur when individuals strike internal or external objects of the vehicle during a rollover accident. This may include a punctured lung, a ruptured spleen, kidney damage, and severe internal bleeding, all medical emergencies that must be treated right away.
  • Broken and fractured bones: When a person is thrown from the vehicle during a rollover accident, they are likely to suffer broken bones. This can happen from being ejected from the vehicle, striking interior or exterior objects, or even from being crushed underneath the vehicle.

If you or a loved one were involved in a rollover accident in or near Columbus, the car accident lawyers at Soroka & Associates, LLC are here to help. Our team can investigate your accident and determine whether another driver, poor road conditions, or improper vehicle maintenance contributed to your accident. We know and understand the challenges you face, and we do everything we can to lessen your burden and fight for the justice and compensation you deserve to get your life back on track. If you believe you have a case or simply need legal advice, please call our office or submit our contact form today.