The Dangers of Improperly Loaded Trucks

Anytime a semi-truck is being prepared to hit the road, it must be properly loaded. If a semi-truck is improperly loaded, it can be very dangerous for the driver and other drivers and road users. Whether an accident happens due to an improperly loaded truck on a one-lane back road or a multi-lane highway, traumatic…

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Soft Tissue Injuries from Car Accidents

Most people are aware of the fact that car accidents can lead to severe and life-changing injuries. However, one of the most common types of injuries is less visible than others: soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries are usually very complex and tricky, as many accident victims do not realize they have one until hours,…

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How to Prevent Trampoline Injuries

Many people across Columbus and the rest of the country grew up with a trampoline right outside their front or back door that they could jump on anytime they wished. Jumping on a trampoline is a favorite activity for children and even some adults. However, regardless of how popular and well-known these products are, they…

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How Weather Can Impact Amusement Park Injuries

A day at an amusement park can be fun and exciting. If you have been planning to take your kids to one of Ohio’s many amusement parks, you and your family are likely looking forward to a day off to make memories, have fun, and spend time together. While you may expect a completely sunny…

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