The Risks of Jackknifing Semi-Trucks

All semi-truck accidents are dangerous due to the fact that they are very tall and wide, weigh a lot, and create great force upon impact in an accident. However, one of the worst accidents involving semi-trucks is jackknife accidents. While many truck drivers gain experience and learn how to prevent jackknife accidents, they still occur…

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How Will Moving Affect My Child Custody Agreement?

Many people interested in moving look for better job opportunities, lower costs of living, or simply desire to be closer to family in other states. However, individuals who are divorced or separated and have children may experience complications when deciding to move. The reason for this is because there is most likely a child custody…

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Open Carry in Ohio: 5 Things to Know

Ohio is a traditional open carry state, which means people who legally own firearms may carry them in public places, unless there is a specific prohibition against them. “Open carry” means the firearm is visible to the naked eye and not concealed. Though open carrying is legal in Ohio, often the sight of a gun…

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Debunking Common Myths About Divorce in Ohio

How many times have you heard a divorced friend say, “I wish I knew then what I know now,” or express regret about rushing into a settlement without having the proper information? Often, because of privacy concerns or even embarrassment, people do not take the time to ask the right questions, or fall prey to…

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Who Gets the Dog in a Divorce?

Spouses who are divorcing focus on many financial issues such as who gets the marital home, how much alimony should be paid, and how much child support is due. Custody issues revolve around which parent or parents will have legal custody of the children and the terms of the parenting plan. For many spouses, one…

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Can I Get Arrested in Ohio If I Bought Marijuana Elsewhere?

Different states have different laws for the possession of marijuana. Some states permit medical marijuana, subject to certain conditions such as having a specific type of disease. Some states permit small amounts of marijuana for personal use, provided the user doesn’t grow or sell the marijuana. In a world where people cross state lines every…

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