What to Do If You Are Accused of Fentanyl Possession in Ohio

Fentanyl came about in the 1960s, making it one of the newer-approved opioids in the United States. After its emergence, doctors and physicians began prescribing this drug more and more often, and about a decade ago, fentanyl became one of the most used drugs in medicine and healthcare. This led to fentanyl playing a major…

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Open Carry in Ohio: 5 Things to Know

Ohio is a traditional open carry state, which means people who legally own firearms may carry them in public places, unless there is a specific prohibition against them. “Open carry” means the firearm is visible to the naked eye and not concealed. Though open carrying is legal in Ohio, often the sight of a gun…

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Can I Get Arrested in Ohio If I Bought Marijuana Elsewhere?

Different states have different laws for the possession of marijuana. Some states permit medical marijuana, subject to certain conditions such as having a specific type of disease. Some states permit small amounts of marijuana for personal use, provided the user doesn’t grow or sell the marijuana. In a world where people cross state lines every…

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