Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Ohio

Motorcycle Helmet Laws in OhioMotorcycles can bring a lot of joy, thrill, and excitement to one’s life. However, whether a beginner or long-time motorcycle rider, you are most likely aware that the fun can quickly turn into a nightmare if you are not careful or wearing the protective equipment that you need.

While you cannot prevent another driver from acting carelessly and causing an accident, you can protect your body from serious injuries, which starts by wearing a motorcycle helmet. A Columbus motorcycle accident lawyer can help you fight for compensation after an accident.

What is the motorcycle helmet law in Ohio?

Ohio Code 4501-17-01 states that motorcyclists and passengers who are under the age of 18 are required to wear a motorcycle helmet at all times while the motorcycle is in motion. The helmet must be placed on his or her head, and the chin strap must be properly fastened and secured. The law also explains that riders with a “novice” license are required to wear a helmet no matter their ages.

How common are accidents involving motorcyclists not wearing helmets?

According to NBC4i, motorcyclists in the state of Ohio have been choosing not to wear helmets or take safety courses, which is believed to contribute to the rise of motorcycle crashes. Ohio ranked third in the entire country for the most deaths involving motorcyclists who were not wearing helmets. In 2021, it was reported that only 45 percent of motorcycle riders in the state wore helmets, which is a decrease from the 53 percent who wore helmets in 2020. There were 223 motorcycle fatalities recorded in 2021, and 156 of those fatalities were not wearing helmets, which is more than half.

Does Ohio have any other laws that pertain to motorcyclists?

Ohio does have a few other laws that pertain to motorcyclists, which includes:

  • A motorcycle rider and passenger must have a firmly attached or regular seat.
  • Riders and passengers must face forward with one leg on each side of the motorcycle.
  • Motorcycles are not allowed to carry more people than the number for which it is equipped to do so.
  • Motorcyclists are not allowed to operate a motorcycle with handlebars that are above their shoulders when they are seated while on the highway.
  • Motorcycle riders and passengers must wear safety glasses or some type of eye protection at all times.

Are motorcycle helmets really beneficial in Columbus?

Even though you do not have to wear a motorcycle helmet in Ohio if you are 18 or older, motorcycle helmets are beneficial in keeping you safe. Since motorcyclists lack the same level of protection that passenger vehicle occupants have, a helmet can help protect your head in the event of a motorcycle crash. If you fall off your motorcycle and strike your head on the pavement, another vehicle, or an object, a helmet may be able to prevent certain head injuries such as a traumatic brain injury, skull fracture, scalp laceration, bleeding or bruising on the brain, and more.

The National Safety Council (NSC) points out that motorcycle helmets are 37 percent effective in preventing life-threatening and deadly injuries among motorcycle operators, and 41 percent effective in preventing severe and deadly injuries among motorcycle passengers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that “a good quality helmet can reduce the risk for death by 40% and for severe injury by 70%.” Therefore, while a helmet is not completely perfect, they do increase your chances of avoiding a serious brain or skull injury. If you do not wear a helmet and strike your head in a motorcycle accident, you are much more likely to experience a brain injury, which can lead to long-term consequences and effects, impact your ability to live an independent and thriving life, or even kill you.

How to choose the best motorcycle helmet

There are four steps you must follow to choose the best motorcycle helmet for you and your passengers:

  1. Determine what shape you need: Each person’s head has a different shape. Therefore there are a few different shapes to choose from. For example, you may need a long oval-shaped helmet, while your passenger needs a round oval-shaped helmet. Take the time to try on a few different shaped helmets and determine which one fits your head the best.
  2. Select the appropriate size: Next, you can either measure your head with a tape measure, or you can try on a few different helmets to determine the appropriate size that you need. If you use a tape measure, you should place it above your eyebrows and extend it to the back of your head. When trying on different helmet sizes, you want to make sure that the helmet does not feel too tight and that it is unable to move around. It should be a snug fit even when you shake your head.
  3. Choose a style: There are a lot of different styles when it comes to helmets. While you may prefer one style over another, you should speak to a person who has experience with motorcycle helmets and can suggest the style that you might need based on the type of riding you do and the motorcycle that you own.
  4. Look for the safety rating: When selecting a helmet, you should look for the  DOT symbol on the back of the helmet. This symbol means that it meets federal standards. If you do not see the DOT symbol on a helmet, it likely has not been federally tested and approved, which means that it may not keep you safe in the event of an accident.

At Soroka & Associates, our Columbus motorcycle accident attorneys know and understand that serious injuries can still occur even if you wear a helmet. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another party, it is important to reach out to our team as quickly as possible. We investigate your accident, help you collect convincing evidence, communicate with insurance companies, and prepare to represent you in court if necessary. Our lawyers are aware of the complexities that motorcyclists often face when navigating the legal process, which is why we are dedicated to helping you stand up for your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. Please call our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free consultation in Columbus today.